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AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

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Wealth Management

We at Happy 2 Investt understand our client's emotional and financial needs at length and map them with solutions at our hand and apply them with utmost care. Every family is unique as to their financial needs and aspirations. Our decade-long Banking and IT experience helps us to find the right financial planning solution and tools for our clients.

Emergency Fund Analysis

The world we live in is full of uncertainties and risks. We encourage the virtue of savings among individuals therefore we analyze emergency funds.

Cash Flow Analysis

Our recommendation encompasses your entire spectrum of interests, from near term cash flow & long term concerns

Asset and Liability Analysis

We help our clients in Selecting the appropriate asset mix by doing proper analysis as it is one of the most important investment decisions one can make towards successfully meeting their investment objectives and goals.

Current Asset Allocation & Net worth

Based on your financial objectives, and keeping in mind your unique circumstances, we plan asset allocation and accordingly invest across relevant asset classes.

Risk Profiling

We understand that people are different, have different perspectives, and also have different risk appetites. Hence, we have different solutions for your different needs, requirements, and commitments towards your loved one

Protection Planning

Prior to suggesting an insurance solution, we analyze your needs and estimate the level of risk exposure. An integral part of our process is to explain all the available choices along with the benefits and downsides. Our team works closely with you to ensure a smooth claim process and swift settlements.

Defining Goals

From everyday needs to big aspirations, We’ll map out all goals with the best possible strategy to achieve it. We will track and make sure you achieve the goal. From everyday needs to big aspirations, We’ll map out all goals with the best possible strategy to achieve it. We will track and make sure you achieve the goal.

Monitoring, Portfolio rebalancing & Review

We monitor your investments and make sure the desired goals are met with its help, if needed we will review and go for Portfolio rebalancing to fill up the gap as per the need analysis.